Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sharing Time in Room 4

Today Rooms 7 and 4 got together to share all the things we have been learning to do on the computers. Room 7's focus has been on being able to log on to the schools internet, ABC Reading Eggs, and logging out correctly. Our big buddies in Room 4 have been fantastic at helping us with this. Room 4 showed us their awesome blog as well as how to add comments. While the students were sharing, teaching and showing each other what they can do I was able to learn a trick or two myself. Thanks so much Ms Mynes!  Imagine what we will be able to do by the end of the year!


  1. WOW room7 i can see that you are really good with computers!!!

  2. Tino Pai Rawa Room 7. You all never fail to blow me away with all your skills on the computers when we get together. Its great to see how you can all easily log on to our schools intranet and show us how you are learning to become great readers by using your Reading Egg activities. You'll all be outstanding digikids by the end of the year. Ms Carran did a great job at learning how to create an avatar on your class blog too. WOW! What a team Room 7. See you next time in Room 4, but in the mean time I'll be watching and following your learning journey on your class blog.

  3. I am going to room 4 to read in reading eggs!

  4. Great to see the older children helping the younger ones.
